RCDC Fellow Ambassadors
The Royal College of Dentists of Canada is a place where ideas are developed and launched. RCDC Fellows have achieved high distinctions, have made remarkable contributions to their field, benefit from heightened professional recognition and are truly respected by their peers.
At RCDC, we set ourselves apart through our strong research and membership base and we strive to be the leader in defining, recognizing and promoting excellence in the dental specialties.
We are happy to introduce you to some of the dental specialists, all Fellows of the College, who believe RCDC is THE place to inspire excellence and advocate for dental specialties.

Having the privilege to be a Royal College examiner in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for more than two decades was a major highlight in my career. To meet and work with fellow examiners in all specialties were the greatest ongoing educational experiences of a lifetime. To then turn that knowledge into the examinations process itself and uphold the standards of the profession for the public and the specialty was a great opportunity to give back to the programs and institutions who gave us so much. I will feel forever honoured to have had a chance to contribute to such a great group.

How does a little girl from Hong Kong moving to a small northern Alberta town with no pediatric dentist and 8 cavities end up having a career as a pediatric dentist? And how does a name of Elsa become so appropriate for a pediatric dentist with magical powers of “freezing” sugar bugs. Honestly, I would not be here today representing RCDC as an Ambassador if it was not for the people that I met along the way and the experiences and connections that made it all possible. To me, RCDC is a special group of individuals and friends, that together as a group, represents high standards and excellence for those that call themselves Fellows of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. Our goals as pediatric dentists are to deliver quality care in an ethical, thoughtful, and evidenced based process while respecting the interests and values of the child and their family. And RCDC truly represents that. I am so privileged to be a Fellow of RCDC. I hope that my story will be one to inspire others to join in this incredible distinction.

When I think about my time with RCDC, I remember back to the very first time I was involved with helping to deliver examinations. I was struck by the amount of time and effort that went into the exams to make them fair, reliable, and valid. Many candidates (including myself when I was one) probably have no idea about how much time and effort is put into each and every exam question before it ever gets placed in front of a candidate. As I went through the process of being involved in the examinations, I was very lucky to have been involved with so many talented and dedicated people – not only dental specialists, but psychometricians and the dedicated staff of RCDC. I met many good people, whom I still consider friends, during many meetings and workshops and the social gatherings that went along with them. These people have given so much of their time and effort and talents to RCDC for the betterment of dentistry, and, in turn, the public. I am glad that the NDSE examinations have come back under the umbrella of the RCDC, something that I personally thought belonged there all along.

Hi everyone, my name is Pierre-Luc Michaud, and I am a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist and full-time teaching faculty at the Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I have been a Fellow of The Royal College of Dentists of Canada since 2011. To me, the College is important because it demonstrates the high level of knowledge that dental specialists have in their respective field. The FRCDC designation is an easily identifiable badge of excellence. In addition, the College fosters collegiality between members within and between specialties. It is too easy to fall into an individual silo-style practice these days, and meeting with other fellows of the College during committee work, various meetings, webinars, and the annual graduation ceremony helps keep contact with other specialists to facilitate constant exposure to different styles and philosophies of practice to help us grow. I feel fortunate to be part of an organization who values excellence.

I obtained my Fellowship at RCDC in 2001, as part of my professional development and growth. It was an opportunity to present my work in Dental Public Health as a relatively new specialist to other peer Fellows. This process in itself was as valuable as the Fellowship I received as a result. Since then, my career has taken me to tackle global public health issues. Working in global health, I interact with various professionals around the globe – this includes physicians and dentists, as well as scientists and engineers. My RCDC Fellowship is easily recognized by others who belong to their own Colleges of excellence as a badge of professionalism and distinction.

Hi! My name is Trevor Thang. I have been a proud Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada (RCDC) since 2019. During my time as a member, the RCDC has fostered an inspiring interprofessional community and the well-respected FRCDC designation has afforded me many great opportunities.

To me, it is the RCDC community that makes it such a special and worthwhile organization. Dentistry is a very collaborative profession, and the College does a fantastic job at helping to bring dental specialists together. Becoming a Fellow has unequivocally enhanced my career trajectory, both directly, through my involvement with specialty examinations and other past committees, such as the Education Committee, and indirectly, through the wonderful people I have met, and the networking opportunities that have developed. Leadership and mentorship are important aspects of professional growth, and I feel fortunate to be part of an organization that recognizes the value of these attributes for specialists at all career stages.

Over my 20 years of membership, I’ve continued to appreciate and respect the work of the RCDC. The ongoing webinars tailored to us members continue to impress me. No other organization comes close to the RCDC with respect to representing, advocating for and maintaining the high standards of Canadian dental specialties. Having a strong singular voice remains crucial to our future and I can’t thank the RCDC enough.

To be honest, after completing my graduate training program, I only knew RCDC in the capacity of delivering an examination which was required in order to obtain licensure and my active staff hospital appointment. Since then, I have realized that RCDC Fellowship means so much more. The College offers a national platform for knowledge sharing, communication and camaraderie. As a Fellow of RCDC, I feel part of a community that collectively represents and supports dental specialists across the country.