The application window for the 2023 Fellowship Examination is now closed, however, late applications may be considered. Please contact for additional information.

This webinar has ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above.

Dr. Peter C. Fritz The Dental Specialist in Turbulent Times

External forces were squeezing dental specialists to undergo an unscheduled transformation. The VUCA world was upon us, and we were experiencing a level of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity in our disciplines like never before. And then the pandemic arrived.

Engagement, markets and your workforce have never been more demanding. As much as we would like to recapture the relative simplicity of how it once was, that ship has sailed. Suppose the goal is to keep dental specialists relevant in the dental landscape of tomorrow. In that case, we must apply a different focus to remain essential and purposeful in the eyes of our patients and collaborative partners.

Having benchmarked with top specialty clinics in more than 25 countries across the globe, it is apparent that only a peer best understands the demands, struggles, and challenges of leading a successful specialty practice.  However, to meet the future, we can’t simply reinvent what has worked in years past, we must develop a revolutionary approach and borrow tactics from industries we might never have considered that would parallel our operating model.

This lecture will review the competitive environment in which we operate and foster a candid and evidence-based analysis of where dental specialists are headed and how to lead the way.  We will discuss innovative strategies that allow specialists to adapt and adjust to meet the current struggles and to align their teams by leveraging information and relationships.  Finally, we will reveal how belonging to a trusted network of peers, such as the RCDC, can help us to thrive and discover meaningful opportunities in the VUCA world.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Dental specialist: non-member – $50 (please proceed to register and we will contact you for payment)



Dr. Peter C. Fritz

St. Catharines, ON


Dr. Reena Talwar-Povoledo

Edmonton, AB

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Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh – Cracked Tooth…Keep It or Remove It?

Cracked teeth are common, yet remain a diagnostic challenge in clinical practice. This lecture presents the best evidence that exists regarding the classification, risk factors, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cracked teeth.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50 (please proceed to register and we will contact you for payment)



Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh

Toronto, ON


Dr. Ming-Yi Chou

Toronto, ON

This webinar has ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above.

Dr. Igor Pesun – Craniofacial Differences: Management of Premature Infants to Seniors

The prosthetic management of patients with craniofacial differences requires a team of specialists working together to provide the patient with the desired functional, biological and esthetic outcomes. Due to the multiple etiologies of anomalies, patients with craniofacial differences present complex situations requiring Prosthodontists to work with a team of specialists. To be able to treat these patients, basic prosthodontic principles need to be applied, all the while breaking the rules and thinking outside the box. This presentation will look at the management of patients with craniofacial differences from premature infants to seniors.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50 (proceed to register and an invoice will be sent in a separate email)



Dr. Igor Pesun

Winnipeg, MB


Dr. James Noble

Toronto, ON

This webinar has ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above.

Dr. Sheri McKinstry – Reconciliation in Dentistry from an Indigenous Perspective

In 2008, the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, made a Statement of Apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools on behalf of the Government of Canada. He apologized for the Indian Residential Schools that separated over 150,000 Aboriginal children from their families, traditions and cultures, to assimilate them into the dominant culture. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) released the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada that heard from more than 6,000 witnesses, revealing that children were abused, not only physically and sexually, but also mentally and spiritually, and they died in the schools in numbers that would not have been tolerated in any school system anywhere in the country, or in the world. This session will help introduce what is reconciliation, why it is important, and what role the Canadian dental community plays in the Indigenous Canadian social justice discourse.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50 (proceed to register and an invoice will be sent in a separate email)



Dr. Sheri McKinstry

Saskatoon, Sask.


Dr. Alyssa Hayes

Ottawa, Ont.

This webinar has ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above.

Dr. Sally Safa – Emotional Intelligence – Gaining a Better Understanding

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to recognize and regulate one’s own emotions as well as understanding the effect that our emotions have on those around us.  People with high emotional intelligence use this information to guide thinking and behaviour to adjust their emotions and adapt to the environment. Unfortunately, unlike our colleagues in business, we are not taught this in our education. In this overview, we will see how becoming mindful of our emotions can have a profound impact in our personal and professional lives.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50 (proceed to register and an invoice will be sent in a separate email)



Dr. Sally Safa

North York, Ont.


Dr. Reena Talwar-Povoledo

Edmonton, Alb.