The 2021 Virtual AGM has now ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above. Please note that only Fellows and Members of the RCDC have access to AGM recordings.

RCDC invites you to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT.

The AGM will be held virtually via Zoom.

The meeting agenda, financial statements, annual report, and minutes from the 2020 AGM will be available online prior to the meeting.

All Fellows and Members are encouraged to attend the virtual AGM. Click here to register.

This webinar has ended, but you may register to view a recording of the session by clicking the button above.

You are invited to attend RCDC’s upcoming webinar on Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 8 pm EDT. In this webinar, we are welcoming Dr. Jennifer MacLellan to present on the relationship between early childhood caries and oral health-related quality of life and Dr. Raymond Lee to speak about COVID-19 and its affects on the pediatric patient’s general health and dental condition; especially those with comorbidities and special needs.

Dr. Jennifer MacLellan presenting on The Relationship Between Early Childhood Caries and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life.

Description: It has been well documented that Early Childhood Caries is the most common chronic disease experienced by children in our society. The consequences of ECC are broad-reaching and the literature has demonstrated significant negative effects on oral health-related quality of life for both children and their caregivers. Those effects together with barriers to care including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed.

Dr. MacLellan has graciously agreed to share her presentation with the RCDC members. Please email to request your copy.

Dr. Raymond Lee presenting on CoVid-19 and its affects on the pediatric patient’s general health and dental condition; especially those with comorbidities and special needs.

Description: The CoVid-19 pandemic has affected everyone directly and indirectly. And because the virus has happened so quickly, its effects are not well documented. With the few studies that have been published, and complimented with some anecdotal stories from a children’s hospital, our Pediatric Dentistry patients may be in much more difficulty and distress than we are aware; with respect to dental disease, access to dental care, and simply, their quality of life. With the advent of multiple vaccines, we believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel. However, the light is probably still very small and we can only hope that it will get bigger soon. In the meantime, we all try to make our patients better with the limited resources that we have.

RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50



Dr. Jennifer MacLellan

Halifax, NS


Dr. Raymond Lee

London, ON


Dr. Julianne Peterson

Belleville, ON

The Royal College of Dentists of Canada continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation. The College is aware that steps need to be taken to protect the safety of our staff, volunteers, examination candidates and stakeholders. To that end, Head Office will be closed until further notice. RCDC staff can still be reached by email or telephone during regular business hours.

For more information on the novel coronavirus, the following resources are available: