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Dr. Oliver Pin-Harry – One More Thing about Maxillary Incisors
Maxillary incisor implants present the combined esthetic- restorative – surgical challenges and risks in one package. This is particularly remarkable when considering immediate implantation and provisionalization in fresh extraction sockets. This presentation will demonstrate that the so-called ideal sagittal angulation to allow a screw-retained crown is often not possible when an immediate implantation protocol is chosen. Clinical cases will illustrate how the clinician can safely deviate from the “ideal” when necessary, without compromising the esthetic and functional outcome.
Dr. Charlene Solomon – Obstructive Sleep Apnea – A Prosthodontic Perspective
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common sleep breathing disorder characterized by repeated upper airway disruptive events during sleep with often associated daytime sleepiness. There is a growing awareness of OSA, the effects of OSA and its associated comorbidities. Prosthodontics encompasses the diagnostics and management of dental wear, temporomandibular disorders, and sleep bruxism; with some entities having a potential common thread with OSA; either by association with or as a potential indicator of possible OSA. This presentation provides a global prosthodontic perspective on the screening, identification and management of OSA.
RCDC Fellow/Member – FREE
Non-member – $50 (proceed to register and an invoice will be sent in a separate email)
Dr. Oliver Pin-Harry
Burlington, Ont.
Dr. Charlene Solomon
Winnipeg, Man.
Dr. Lesley David
Toronto, Ont.
The application window for the 2022 Fellowship Examination will open on October 20, 2021 and close on December 20, 2021.